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Pet of the Month

Lewy – May 2023
I’ve been a CVH patient since: 2002
My family: Kathy
My favorite treat: Chicken. (But be careful—sometimes they try to hide pills in it.)
My favorite activity: I used to love chasing the Cat Dancer, now I just relax on my pillow in front of the fireplace.
My secret to longevity: None of us likes to go to the vet. But the people at Companion take good care of me and keep me healthy. AND: Only scratch the back of the furniture so it can’t be seen by company. 🙂
My words of wisdom: “Remember: you’re a cat. That means you’re in charge!”


Edmonds-Westgate Veterinary Hospital

Previous Pets of the Month



Pet of the Month
April 2020 - Annie

I’ve been a CVH patient since: 2013
My family: Bonnie, James, “Shawnee” and “Casey”
My favorite treat: Milk bones
My favorite activity: Sleeping
My words of wisdom: “Love thy owners, for they’re the ones who feed you”

Pet of the Month - Bowie
March 2020 - Dooley

CVH patient since:2015
Nickname: “Big Doo”
Family: Susan, “Bodie,” “Splash,” “Buddy,” “Baby” and “Freddie”
Treat: Hard boiled eggs, sweet potato chewies, or ANY biscuits
Activity: Chasing any four-legged “invader” on our property
Words of wisdom: Always watch Mom closely, for she’ll surely say “Want a biscuit?” at some point

Pet of the Month - Skylar
February 2020 - Skylar

CVH patient since: 2019
Nickname: “Sky”
Family: Susie and Landon
Treat: Mud Bay or homemade treats
Activity: Squirrel tug of war, sloppy kisses, and listening to Bob Marley 🙂
Words of wisdom: “Goldens rule!”

Pet of the Month - Lucy Lulu Lavern
January 2020 - Lucy Lulu Lavern

CVH patient since: 2019
Nickname: “Sky”
Family: Susie and Landon
Treat: Mud Bay or homemade treats
Activity: Squirrel tug of war, sloppy kisses, and listening to Bob Marley 🙂
Words of wisdom: “Goldens rule!”


Pet of the Month - Briar
December 2019 - Briar
CVH patient since: 2019
Nickname: “Bri Bri”
Family: Paul (Favorite), Deliese, Elizabeth and “Wendy”
Treat: Puppuccino
Activity: Playing with Wendy
Words of wisdom: “The world’s my chew toy”
Pet of the Month - Bowie
November 2019 - Bowie

CVH patient since: 2011
Nicknames: “Bow-Bow”
Family: Vivian, Elizabeth, “Dexter,” “Rocky” and “Gus”
Treat: Whatever the humans are eating at the moment
Activity: Chasing squirrels or barking at them
Words of wisdom: “It’s good to be me!”

Pet of the Month - Georgie Girl
October 2019 - Georgie Girl
CVH patient since: 2019
Nicknames: “Georgie”
Family: Lance and Melanie and Cleo (the cat)

Treat: I’m still keeping my options open
Activity: Walking and chewing Bully Sticks, but I can’t do them at the same time
Words of wisdom: “Tip for my fellow Corgis: Make friends with a lot of Dachshunds. They make you look taller.”
Pet of the Month - Sugar
September 2019 - Sugar
CVH patient since: 2019
Nicknames: “Monster” and “Tiny”
Family: Jason, Brietta, Dominic, Siena, and my mildly annoyed older sisters “Pega” & “Luna”
Treat: Anything. I’m an equal-opportunity consumer of (almost) all things edible
Activity: Dashing madly about the house, driving my big sisters batty, and scaling my human dad’s back (ouch)
Words of wisdom: “Use your human for a springboard to get to the high places. You won’t regret it!”
Pet of the Month - Bailey
August 2019 - Bailey
CVH patient since: 2012
Nicknames: “Mae” (my middle name)
Family: Brittani, LaVern and Randall
Treat: Whatever the humans are eating at the moment
Activity: Cuddles 🙂
Words of wisdom: “It’s good to be me!”
Pet of the Month - Emily
July 2019 - Emily
CVH patient since: 2010
Family: Rick and Leslie
Treat: Sunday morning scrambled eggs and cheese!
Activity: Being a 65-lb lap dog; belly rubs
Words of wisdom: “Please support Animal Services (360-352-2510)!”
Pet of the Month - Eyed Jack
June 2019 - One Eyed Jack
CVH patient since: 2016
Nicknames: “Jackson,” “Big Guy” and “The Love of My Life”
Family: Wendy
Treat: A teaspoon of Blue Wilderness
Activity: Lying on the porch in the sun
Words of wisdom: “Love thy owners, for they’re the ones who HUG you”